Bob Fleck
Executive Director
Responsibilities: Overall direction of the district
More about Bob…
What was the best concert you ever attended?
Sierra Green and the Soul Machine in New Orleans.
Where’s your favorite place in the world?
Woodberry Forest School
If you could be any animal, which would you be?
Eagle – Symbol for the most powerful country in the world. AMERICA! And I could fly.
What is your Favorite book you read?
Shoe Dog, Founder of Nike’s memoir
What are you passionate about?
Family and parks
What is your Favorite Park District Program / Special Event?
Biddy Basketball & 4th of July
What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?
Frontera Grill, Chicago
What pets do you have?
Lucy, Golden Retriever
Where did you go to college?
University of Illinois
What Town did you grow up in/ Where is your hometown?
What is your Favorite season?
There is only one season – summer
In college I…
Tried out for American Gladiator
What’s your Favorite sports team.