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Westmont Kids Club

kids club 2023

Westmont Kids Club

This program follows the school calendars of District 201. All children interested in attending from Miller and Manning Schools are invited to register today!

Miller kids will be transported to Manning immediately following dismissal. Children in the Westmont Kids Club program may picked up from Manning any time before 6:00P. Participants will play board and table games, complete crafts, have gym time to play group games, and we will go outside when the weather is nice and use the park and playground. Homework is always a priority and our staff will be more than happy to help out. Some special activities we plan are our Halloween Party, Holiday Party, and our End of the Year Party, where we serve food and play games. This program follows the school calendars of District 201. The fees include “PLC Days” and “SIP Days”, but not “No School Attendance Days”. All children interested in attending from Manning and Miller Schools are invited to register today!

Grades: K-5
Min/Max: 10/40
Location: Manning Elementary School, 200 N. Linden Avenue

5 Days/Week Before School Kids Club
Day Month Time Fee Code
Monday-Friday January 6:45-7:45A $190 406651-F
Monday-Friday February 6:45-7:45A $180 406651-G
Monday-Friday March 6:45-7:45A $190 406651-H
Monday-Friday April 6:45-7:45A $160 406651-I
Monday-Friday May 6:45-7:45A $170 406651-J
5 Days/Week Kids Club
Day Month Time Fee Code
Monday-Friday January 2:30-6:00P $295 406652-F
Monday-Friday February 2:30-6:00P $270 406652-G
Monday-Friday March 2:30-6:00P $295 406652-H
Monday-Friday April 2:30-6:00P $240 406652-I
Monday-Friday May 2:30-6:00P $265 406652-J
Day Month Time Fee Code
tU/tH January 2:30-6:00P $180 406652-FF
tU/tH February 2:30-6:00P $180 406652-GG
tU/tH March 2:30-6:00P $190 406652-HH
tU/tH April 2:30-6:00P $158 406652-II
tU/tH May 2:30-6:00P $158 406652-JJ
Day Month Time Fee Code
m/w/f January 2:30-6:00P $230 406652-FFF
m/w/f February 2:30-6:00P $200 406652-GGG
m/w/f March 2:30-6:00P $220 406652-HHH
m/w/f April 2:30-6:00P $180 406652-III
m/w/f May 2:30-6:00P $210 406652-JJJ

To register, please call 630-963-5252

Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Option

We offer an easier way to pay your Kids Club fee. With your permission, we will be allowed to charge the credit card you permit at the beginning of each month. We will send a receipt in the mail the next day. No more coming to front desk or reminder phone calls to pay for the Westmont Kids Club program.