Registration Info
Register for Programs in Person, Via Phone, Online, Mail or Fax
Resident registration (mail-in or drop off) begins as soon as you receive your brochure.
Westmont Park District
75 E. Richmond Street,
Westmont, IL 60559
Community Center Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Option #1… In Person / Drop off
- Choose the program(s) you wish to register for.
- Fill out the Registration Form completely, making sure you indicate proper code numbers.
- Sign the Release/Hold Harmless and Emergency Treatment portion of the form.
- Bring it in and drop it off and the Community Center.
Option #2… Phone
- Choose the program(s) you wish to register for in our program guide.
- Call the Westmont Community Center during business hours
- Provide a credit card over the phone
- Sign the Release/Hold Harmless and Emergency Treatment form that will be mailed to you.
Option #3… Register Online
- Our new safe and secure system is ready to use.
- Click here to create an account and begin registering.
- Once registered simply browse to the program you would like, select and checkout.
- You will receive an electronic receipt after submitting your secure credit card payment.
Option #4… Mail in
- Choose the program(s) you wish to register for.
- Fill out the Registration Form completely, making sure you indicate proper code numbers.
- Sign the Release/Hold Harmless and Emergency Treatment portion of the form.
- Enclose your check, money order (payable to the Westmont Park District) or Visa/Mastercard, Discover, along with the signed registration form.
- Mail to: Westmont Park District, 75 E. Richmond Street, Westmont, IL 60559-1894.
Option #5… Fax in
- Choose the program(s) you wish to register for.
- Fill out the Registration Form completely, making sure you indicate proper code numbers.
- Sign the Release/Hold Harmless and Emergency Treatment portion of the form.
- Provide credit card info, Visa/Mastercard, Discover, where indicated on the registration form.
- Fax your completed registration form and credit card payment to: (630)963-5259.
PLEASE NOTE: Registration forms must be filled out completely and correctly or they will be returned by mail. If you wish to attend class with a friend, your registration forms must be submitted together. Mail-in or drop off your registration as soon as possible after receiving each seasons’ brochure.
A full refund will be issued if you are dissatisfied after the 1st class with the program or the program is canceled by the park district. A completed Refund Request form must be submitted prior to the midpoint of the program or within five working days of a single meeting activity. This written refund request form will help us improve the service we provide. A refund will be issued when a completed Refund Request form is submitted five business days prior to the first class meeting and will be subjected to a $5.00 service charge. A pro-rated withdrawal refund will be made for participants who decide, for whatever personal reason (including injury or illness), that an ongoing program is not right for them. The pro-rated refund will be based on the number of classes that have occurred at the time the Refund Request form is received by the park district. The Superintendent of Recreation will consider exceptions to this policy due to other extenuating circumstances. The Refund policy excludes trip tickets, preschool and camp deposits and adult sports leagues. Please allow two weeks to receive your refund check in the mail.
Policies set forth by the Westmont Park District Board of Commissioners define a resident as anyone living within the boundary of the Westmont Park District. Anyone working or operating a business within the Park District boundaries, but living outside the boundaries shall not be considered a resident. Sorry, we don’t always recognize our neighbors. From time to time, we may ask to see proof of residence when you register for programs in person. All new residents must show proof of residency.
Part of the cost of programs is assumed with tax dollars. Therefore, those who are not residents of the Westmont Park District will be assessed a non-resident fee. Nonresidents pay an additional 50% per program. Preschool, Day Camp and Leagues may have different non-resident fee structures. See program for details.
Primary focus is on mail-in registration with a daily lottery system. After a two week period, over the counter registration will be accepted on a first come first served basis.
The Westmont Park District does not provide medical insurance coverage for injuries suffered while participating in Park District programs, or while using park facilities. The Park District therefore, can assume no responsibility for personal injury while participating in recreation programs or while using park facilities.
On occasion, the Park District staff may take photographs or video of participants in our programs or events or of people in our parks. Please be aware that these are for Park District use, most likely in future program guides pamphlets or for local Public Access TV. Promotional materials, include but are not limited to WPD program guides, website, social media.
The Westmont Park District Board of Commissioners and staff believe in providing program scholarship opportunities to residents with financial limitations. Park District residents are invited to complete the Scholarship Application, attach the required documents and return to the Community Center office at 75 E. Richmond St.
Scholarship Application