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Join us on May 25, 2025 for our annual 5K Race at Ty Warner Park! The Westmont Park District has partnered together with the local nonprofit People’s Resource Center (PRC) so that proceeds from the race can benefit neighbors in need right here in our community.

Register for the Race at

Express Your Self!  Let’s color splash the sidewalk in front of the Gregg House Museum into a dazzling mosaic of design.  We’ll provide the chalk; you bring your ideas and drawing skills!  No previous art experience required. All abilities and ages welcome. Whether you come to view the art or draw, you will experience awesome, vibrant art at your feet. Drawings will be judged at 1:00pm and great prizes will be awarded immediately following. Every year we “draw” a huge crowd to this FREE event! Don’t miss this chance to meet new people and inspire creativity in our very own community. Please pre-register by May 10th so that we can provide enough chalk for everyone.  You can register the day of the program as long as space is available. Rain date is Sunday, May 18th

Come CELEBRATE CREATIVITY and welcome the season of Spring! We are transforming the Community Center Gym into an art gallery filled with color, texture, imagination and inspiration. Experience a palette of unique oil paintings, watercolor paintings, prints, pencil drawings, glass, sculptures and much more all created by our very own local artists. You may even find a home for an art piece as many of the artworks will be available for purchase. Let our 20th annual show ignite your passion for art! If you wish to exhibit your art work, please call (630) 969-8080 x104.

A front yard egg hunt brought to you by the Easter Bunny and the Westmont Park District. Families will wake up on Saturday, April 12 to 30 Easter eggs hidden all over their front yard!

***Must be a resident of Westmont Park District***

Click here to register

The race is on! See the smiles and laughter of the little ones as they grab their basket to collect colorful eggs filled with candy and toys! It’s our traditional egg hunt, held behind the Community Center. Children will be divided into four age categories. Adults may accompany their 2-3 year olds and special needs children. Included in the fun are 4-5 yr olds, 6-7 yr olds, and 8-9 yr olds. Our special guest will be the Easter Bunny himself, who will be there to greet you and be in your family photo!

No registration required.

DAY            DATE                             TIME                                         AGES                              R/NR FEE

Sa                4/12                       10:30A (promptly)                             2-3 yrs                               Free

Sa                4/12                       10:50A (promptly)                             4-5 yrs                               Free

Sa                4/12                       11:10A (promptly)                             6-7 yrs                               Free

Sa                4/12                       11:30P (promptly)                             8-9 yrs                               Free

Hop on over to Veterans Memorial Park tonight for our Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt. Unlike most egg hunts, we will search under the cover of darkness using only flashlights to illuminate the way. Race against the clock to find special eggs filled with prizes and as much candy as you can. Bring your own flashlight and Easter baskets or bags to hold all the goodies you collect. We will hide lots of candy (individually wrapped) and eggs throughout the park. This program is for children in grades 2-8. There will be two hunting groups:

Cottontail Hunt: Grades 2-4 at 8:00-8:15pm
Parents may accompany our younger cottontails. Please refrain from collecting candy and eggs.

Jackrabbit Hunt: Grades 5-8 at 8:30-8:45pm
Parents are asked stay at a safe distance from their child for the Jackrabbit Hunt and refrain from collecting candy and eggs.

For safety reasons, please leave your pets at home.
Registration deadline is March 30.

Click here to register

Join us on May 19, 2024 for our annual 5K Race at Ty Warner Park! The Westmont Park District has partnered together with the local nonprofit People’s Resource Center (PRC) so that proceeds from the race can benefit neighbors in need right here in our community.

Register for the Race at

Express Your Self!  Let’s color splash the sidewalk in front of the Gregg House Museum into a dazzling mosaic of design.  We’ll provide the chalk; you bring your ideas and drawing skills!  No previous art experience required. All abilities and ages welcome. Whether you come to view the art or draw, you will experience awesome, vibrant art at your feet. Drawings will be judged at 1:00pm and great prizes will be awarded immediately following. Every year we “draw” a huge crowd to this FREE event! Don’t miss this chance to meet new people and inspire creativity in our very own community. Please pre-register by May 10th so that we can provide enough chalk for everyone.  You can register the day of the program as long as space is available. Rain date is Sunday, May 19th

Come CELEBRATE CREATIVITY and welcome the season of Spring! We are transforming the Community Center Gym into an art gallery filled with color, texture, imagination and inspiration. Experience a palette of unique oil paintings, watercolor paintings, prints, pencil drawings, glass, sculptures and much more all created by our very own local artists. You may even find a home for an art piece as many of the artworks will be available for purchase. Let our 19th annual show ignite your passion for art! If you wish to exhibit your art work, please call (630) 969-8080 x104.

The race is on! See the smiles and laughter of the little ones as they grab their basket to collect colorful eggs filled with candy and toys! It’s our traditional egg hunt, held behind the Community Center. Children will be divided into four age categories. Adults may accompany their 2-3 year olds and children with special needs. Included in the fun is 4-5 year olds, 6-7 year olds and 8-9 year olds. If any of the eggs happen to be “golden,” they will receive an extra prize!  Be sure to hop on over early as we start on time. Our special guest will be the Easter Bunny himself, who will be there to greet you and be in your family photo!

No registration required.

DAY            DATE                             TIME                                         AGES                              R/NR FEE

Sa                3/23                       10:30A (promptly)                             2-3 yrs                               Free

Sa                3/23                       10:50A (promptly)                             4-5 yrs                               Free

Sa                3/23                       11:10A (promptly)                             6-7 yrs                               Free

Sa                3/23                       11:30P (promptly)                             8-9 yrs                               Free