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Category: Uncategorized

Volunteer Coach Application

Thank you for agreeing to be a volunteer coach. Your service is imperative to the success of these community leagues. A background check, as well as agreeing to the coaches code of conduct is mandatory. These forms will be forthcoming. A brief coaches meeting will take place each season, date/time to be determined at aRead More

Membership Cancellation Form

  Please fill out the form below to cancel your membership at the Westmont Fitness & Racquetball Club. Cancellations must be within 7 days prior to the end of the month or you will be billed for the subsequent month per our membership agreement. 


  In an effort to reduce and eliminate senseless damage caused by vandalism, Westmont Park District encourages you to report any information you have about individuals causing damage to District property. Please enter as much information you can regarding an incident of vandalism. Your name, email and phone number will remain anonymous unless you enterRead More