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Memorials- Bricks, Benches, Trees

INTERESTED in a memorial brick, park bench or tree?

Download Tree Memorial Form  DOWNLOAD BRICK AND BENCH FORM

Your experiences in Westmont have been unique; as residents or former residents, we all come from different walks of life. We may be a diverse family, but we are bound by our love and respect for our beloved town. Westmont has enriched our lives and the lives of those around us. As we move through life, this town will always remain a part of each of us.
We’d like to offer a way for those who treasure their time in Westmont to leave a legacy, not just a symbol of your time in Westmont.
Whether you choose to add your name or to honor the memory of a loved one, or pay tribute to a friend or relative, our Commemorative Brick Park Bench, or Tree Program will grow, one piece as a time. When it is complete, it will remind us of all of those special people forever.


• The Park District reserves the right to assist in the selection of tree species best suited for the soil type and location of the tree planting.
• Special requests with brick orders cannot be granted for specific locations or colors. Bench locations can be requested and are subject to approval.
• Donation amounts are subject to change without notice.


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