Westmont’s Longest Serving Park Commissioners Receive Legacy Award
Pictured from left to right: Kathy Long (Jim Long’s wife), current Commissioner Karen Moffett, current Commissioner Sue Zapinski, current Commissioner Mike Conneely, Executive Director Robert Fleck, current Commissioner and Park Board President John Karesh, Robert Bernas and Bob Maine (Diane Maine’s husband).
Wednesday, NOvember 10, 2021, AT the Village of westmont’s 100th anniversary
On November 10, 2021, Westmont’s longest serving Park Commissioners received a legacy award as part of the Village of Westmont’s 100th anniversary celebration. The Commissioners recognized were Robert Bernas (43 years of service), James Long (39 years of service), Sandra Smith (38 years of service), and Diane Maine (37 years of service).
Congratulations to the Village of Westmont on a glorious celebration and to our dedicated and long serving Park Commissioners!